So much for the T+3 MM short sale THEORY touted by
Post# of 300

02/05 0.0001 68500
Today's date is 20140211
which means that the T+3 and T+4 settlement window has passed. Well, let's see, how many shares of SFIO have "traded" since 02/05, when 68,500 shares (the total volume for that day)?
This means that no shorted shares have been covered since that day (Feb 5th). There is only one possibility. The shares could not have been shorted and covered on the same day to "provide liquidity" because there was only one trade on the tape for that day and that short sale has not been covered; there has not been a single share traded since Feb 5th and it is now Feb 11th which is outside of the T+3 or T+4 settlement window. The only possibility is that the shares were shorted and have not yet been covered. This means that this short sale remains as an OPEN short sale on some participants short book.
This was NOT some kind of fanciful sell or buy by a retail investor with a "liquidity provider" not having the shares on hand so going short temporarily in order to fill the order then looking to settle the trade via a buy-in later (which would be required by law), as there has not been another trade thereafter to square the books as so many seem to erroneously believe.
This was a straight-up SHORT SALE, nothing fancy, just a participant borrowing or not borrowing "shares" to sell short at the bid, for some reason or another and to some other participant or possibly even back to themselves (no one can possibly know, not even FINRA or the SEC, unless the firm who engaged in the activity is properly keeping records and following SEC regulations and whose records are subpoenaed).
There are many paid bashers, scamsters and manipulators lurking in the PK scum swamp and the deceit and lies they spew about the FINRA daily short sale figures is engineered to try to control sentiment about what is really happening in the mechanics of the back-office of MM's and market participants of whom regularly engage in short selling activities to effectively manipulate stock prices and volumes.
So much for the erroneous THEORY that "no one can short" a "chilled" stock, as we see in SFIO, they can even short a stock in a "global lock"; which is essentially a "chill" for ALL of the DTC services, (except for maybe custody services). This is a direct example of very BASIC short sale trades going through and shown on the FINRA daily report but with no follow through during the settlement window of time in order to cover the short. The participant does not need to cover the short because it remains an OPEN (short) position, it has nothing to do with market making activities, it is simply a short sale, nothing fancy, this is not rocket science, eh?
Any brokerage houses who wish to circumvent the DTC trading restrictions can simply short sell or naked short sell, ad infinitum, without ever having any intention of covering or even borrowing the "shares" used to sell short. Why? Because they can. The SEC has NO rules or regulations regarding short sale activities and/or reporting requirements for Pink Sheets (non-reporting) stocks. The figures however still appear (or are supposed to appear) on the FINRA daily short report no matter if certain questionable activities are occurring or not.
The crony non-DTC affiliated market participants are effectively "p*ssing on you and telling you it's raining" while the SEC stands by and does nothing and the DTC locks up the trading in victimized stocks because they just do not want to have anything to do with all the apparent shenanigans. They openly boast about how there is no SEC rule-set to stop them from what they are doing, which is systematically destroying any and all micro cap companies looking to have access to the credit markets by way of starting up a public company that they deem as a target; typically if they have inside information about upcoming litigation of individuals associated with the company or their own knowledge that the DTC will lock up trading base upon "unusual trading activity" which they themselves may create by their illicit manipulative trading practices. The SFIO story is a glaring example, from start to finish, of the kind of business as usual for these market manipulators who scam real investors by gaming the system which the SEC has left full of holes, from both ineptitude and crony relationships with the criminals involved.
It is indeed a dark cesspool scum swamp and the participants will tell you all about it, all one must do is listen and unlearn what you have learned.
The dark side clouds everything.