I went back to the time line associated with New century Coal(Thacklight Mine, LLP). I thought that was a canceled deal(Investors). I think I was wrong about that. Searching through "internet archive"...and associating that with Nevada timelines and comments made by Keith Thacker(time line as well) is leading me to believe that the seed money is already in the pipeline and the company would be acquiring 70% of the said project via torchlight. The other 30% is held in the partnership of Thacklight Mine LLP. I'll put up all the info later........but here are some snippets:
Look at the dates:
The raise here:
http://www.newcenturycoal.com/investors/docum...ummary.pdf Did you notice anything there?(if you didn't that is ok...there's more) Will put it together later. That is only half of it.....my belief is that we have seed money at hand through the original partnership(or at least part). More to come.