How fortunate all the JBI Longs are to have so man
Post# of 43065

How fortunate all the JBI Longs are to have so many who...
have not been to an AGM,
have not been to NF,
and have NOT called Chris Irons in IR...
to worry daily multiple times about all the possible engineering problems that are surmised to be happening...
PROBLEMS that engineers FACE & SOLVE on a daily basis throughout industry!
However, it is more than likely that JBI has NO engineers capable of solving any problems because it has taken forever to get off the desk top, get permits, and still not be producing any fuels. I am sure it must be because the new CEO took too long a vacation right AFTER being designated CEO & conducting the delayed AGM...
and when he got back, he probably instituted LONG LUNCH BREAKS off-site and had a key made for a private CEO wash room where he retreats many times a day to ponder JUST WHAT he did leaving RKT to languish in obscurity at JBI.
JBI looks to be doomed by popular acclamation based on the superb non-DD that has been done! It seems pretty obvious that JBI will never ever have another PR or filing! I'm selling Monday.