Things kind of quiet on the dark-side board and with me that’s just fine. Do not think for one minute that they have given up because they can not. They have no choice. These pigs have been shorting and stealing money from people for years and it’s always worked. They are a one trick pony and will continue to bash and bad mouth TelVue even if they have no chance to win because they have nothing else.
They will be back bad mouthing and when they are I too will be there. Nothing changes with this stock or this company.
Those who continue to hold shares win and that’s the end of that.
Unless something very drastic happens we will not see much until the shareholders meeting. That will be fine with me also. I will continue to gather shares as best I can till then. I would anticipate large profits for the audited year end but we will see. This year has been tough for me and I’ll just leave it quiet unless someone makes it necessary for me to participate.
Holding TelVue shares has made it the billion dollar bomb shell it is.
There is no limit to the loss of someone has been caught in a short squeeze.