A very interesting situation has come to light with the watch dogs on the dark-side. Yes there are some good people over there who keep an eye on the welfare of investors and it has been brought to my attention that the Finra daily report was not excisable yesterday. It was an interesting day for a glitch since they were watching a heavily shorted issue and it did not appear last night.
This brings me to the fact that today is Friday and as usual Shorty loves to take it down on the weekend so you can look at a falling price for a few days in the hope they will make you sell. There are only two ways they can cover. One is to drop the share price so low you will sell and the other is to raise their bid price so high some of you may enjoy selling a few. Between now and the audited financials for the year end will be the opportunity for shares to go out of week hands and into strong. If you do not sell a single share there will be no one else to benefit except you. Your long range fate is in your hands.
Holding TelVue shares has made it the billion dollar bomb shell it is.
There is no limit to the loss of someone has been caught in a short squeeze.