There are a few ways to make money in the stock market. The first way is to buy shares of a company you have done your homework on and you believe in to make money in business in the future. The company does well and you buy more shares. It’s an American company and they hire American workers to sell American made products to other Americans to make their lives better. So far so good.
As the company continues to grow you continue to buy shares and get dividends and shares in a split because of the profit.
Nothing in the world sounds better to me than the American Dream and the win , win for all involved.
Now we know there is another way to make money. We bet against the company and if it looks like the company may do well we help people to know they are not really doing well. If we are successful the company goes out of business and all employees are fired and we make money. Take your pick.
Holding TelVue shares has made it the billion dollar bomb shell it is.
There is no limit to the loss of someone has been caught in a short squeeze.