Thanks to all shareholders who joined tonight's Q&A. Please monitor Twitter for alerts on PRs and other announcements.
Pavao, Yes we encourage all EPGL shareholders to make their personal doctors aware of MPDD. You are the owners of EPGL.
Lonnie, yes, we plan to become fully reporting by year end with OTC and SEC. Doing housekeeping to that end right now.
Viking, we plan to market US only first half 2013, then open Europe and Asia distribution second half 2013
Viking we will release a prospectus with sales projections. Suffice to say, we believe the potential is there to sell more than 10,000 2013
Sean MPTT is one of the devices we are R&D stage with. To treat chronic pain as complimentary to the MPDD.
Sean, yes new devices are in R&D, but total focus is on MPDD now.
Bill, additional doctors and scientists along with company management will be announced in coming days.
Website will open up within 10 days or sooner.
Hank, the MPDD device has been extensively researched here at NYU and among research doctors. It works rather well.
Sharma, we are making moves to make EPGL trade as easy as possible with all brokers. There has been a lot of housekeeping to do.
Major equity holders plan to hold EPGL for duration of major growth period. Interested in return on investment as with shareholders.
Sharma, major equity holders only interested in selling as a block in future to another company or major investor. Not selling retail.