A quote from NOAD: "Look at site #3 this way
Post# of 7798

A quote from NOAD:
"Look at site #3 this way: They already have artifacts from the site (huge light bulb should go on there), they have a partnered company that started diving it a decade ago , they have a location and a depth (40-45 feet or so), they have historical records of the wrecking of the 1715 fleet, they have archives describing what each ship carried, they know there was also contraband the sailors were carrying not recorded on the manifests, they have the premier expert on the 1715 Fleet saying $5 billion or more.....this is big folks."
I'd like to add that when they dug on that site for the 10 years, they had NO MAG Survey. They were digging blind!
Guess What? We have a mag survey now! A huge plus for us!