Common Perchy... Give Steve time for what? More of the same old BS... There has to be some progress to be able to keep people interested. And this is not really anything at all... Nobody even knows what or who Filmon is... and the shows Steve has acquired are less than desirable. There is absolutely no advertising and no awareness of anything being produced, started or showing! Shall we wait another 2 to 8 years for more of this? In the last 2 years, nothing has produced ANY revenues that would bring value to investors! And that is the bottom line Perchy! No revenues = .0004 share price with 2.3B shares outstanding... which is most likely alot more shares outstanding now, with still nothing to show for it... WHen I started buying ICPA we had 700M outstanding... Now 3 times that amount and still NOTHING!!!!
Yeah,,, lets give Steve more time to give us more of the same!!!