You said "So Treaty can't cost effectively drill wells for themselves but can do so for others???" Can you be specific with reasons for your statement and provide some quantative facts to your assertions. Treaty Energy Drilling (TED) doesn't have a drilling team so IMO they are either just leasing their equipment or they are hiring contracted oil field hands for this LA deal albeit unspecified. It's an art to drill and complete wells properly and I assume the deeper the more complex. TECO's new business plan specify's the drilling of much deeper wells down to 4000 ft or deeper verus today's contract of shallow 475 ft wells so that might be the difference between TECO drilling their own wells versus these new shallow wells. It's like me renting a hole digger and using it myself which is easy to do for the depth of a fence post but if I had to go down 30 ft. for some reason then I think I would hire a professional. I believe TED is only leasing the equipment and keeping it maintained but again if they are using a drilling team then they must be hiring oil contractrors for this LA contract.
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