It took awhile after the appearance of the opening act for the queen bee herself to jump into the fray. Layton stuck his head in on the TelVue board and got it chopped off. Stand by as she gatherers her forces to attack the TelVue board on the dark-side.
Queenie and Tavy both ROTFLMAO. TelVue will be a joke and if that is the case let's keep track of the names that show to bad mouth TelVue stock. If it's a joke why concern yourself sweetie ??
Do to changes in the law posters can no longer hide behind anonymity.
Well now that gives me pause. Another Gerry Lenfest company has started to be attacked by Agreeass. Now jumps the question is she after Gerry or is she after Qtipjoe because the company is one of Gerry's and both are followed by qtipjoe. The answer is Agreass is not after either one. Both companies have been heavily shorted and it's Agreass's job to protect her handlers. There is more money than anyone can count for Gerry Lenfest and for that matter for qtipjoe and the fact that qtip is shooting for 8000 shares of TelVue. The second company will be there and for now take care of it's self. TelVue has won the battle of the shorts and there is no one who can change the fact the money will roll in by the ton. Both companies will make money before this is over. As for me this has become personal. We now have Agreeass and the queen bee her very self to go after.
I say it's time to involve the Philadelphia Inquire.
Holding TelVue shares has made it the billion dollar bomb shell it is.
There is no limit to the loss of someone has been caught in a short squeeze.