So, now since I can speak my mind I'll share the little success story and hopefully this will bring some inspiration to you. I had a tip given to me by an executive that works at a major railroad on the East Coast that was past down by one of my relatives. He said check out MJNA. It was sitting at .01 roughly 18 months ago. Ended up taking a chance and through $30k or roughly 3.2 milly shares. Long story short. Cashed out the entire 3.2 milly for a nice $1.2 milly gain. No longer in that stock. With doing some real DD on other stocks, I ended up with PHOT, SKTO, AEGY and my sucker bet with RFMK. Now you can understand why I threw a ton of cake into SKTO and AEGY... When the ride happens, it is unimaginable how much lucrative money you can actually make... Now my goal is retirement money within 1 year from now. I think that is very doable especially seeing the progress in our two little gems... It's a coming..