Ive told this many times on ihub but since its brought up lol My short story is: End of Feb i just got out of the great MMJ sector pump back in feb where ii nvested in almost every MMJ back in july 2012 and cashed out bigtime in Feb...on March 11 I was searching for STKO, typed SKTO by mistake, saw it up 470%, read the news about it going to Marijuana and immediately bought in seconds before close..People started dumping and bashing the next couple days. One day it crashed from .0057 to .0023, had my finger on a sell order at .0023(major loss)cause of all the Hipple scam rumors and dumping, but instead decided it was too cheap for a MMJ stock and bought 4 million shares under .0032...kevin allyn news came out and the rest is in the books.... yes i did take tons of profit in march and it is still one of the my best trades of the year, hopefully it becomes my best investment also...i was lucky with this one...