Mr. Samblis, what was the purpose of throwing around projected annual revenues a few months back in your radio interview and stuff.....and then now a few months later you are telling investors to wait a few more months to see numbers. If i had known that was gonna happen i wouldnt have had my money and my famlies money and my friends money locked up into this stock at 1 penny for 6 freaking months! Time is money and since we invested heavily based on what you said several months back and in your radio interview now our money is hostaged for months longer while the pps languishes at 1 penny.
If i had known this was how you were gonna do this, i along with my family and friends would have waited until about a month before you release your 3rd quarter financials. If i were smart i would dump this now and use the money to grow my principal by investing in other stocks that are moving and return to icpa in a couple months! Unfreaking believable!