Holy shut(down)! Meh, the stock market’s already moved on
The government is closed for business (no surprise), stocks are up (mild surprise) and the wisecracks are flowing (always). Looks like investors had their fill of shutdown-related selling Monday. And even that barely made a dent on markets.
If stocks wants to go up, not even exposing the dysfunctional underbelly of the world’s most powerful circus can get in the way. The situation, which we haven’t seen since Monica Lewinksy donned the blue dress, hardly inspires confidence. Historical performance suggest that trading patterns during times like these, which happen more than you might think, are clear as Potomac mud.
“Investors should look past the near-term vagaries and remain focused on their knitting, which for most of us, means buying good companies below fair value,” said Marc Chandler, global head of currency strategy at Brown Brothers Harriman. That’s what seems to be happening in the early going. http://blogs.marketwatch.com/need-to-know/201...atest_news