Posted On: 09/29/2013 9:44:52 PM
Post# of 72444
I can't believe any true longtimer has lost excitement for CTIX as it is progressing like a dream and just as we hoped on all cylinders, and to top it off, those cylinders have increased with the addition of PolyMedix and their great lineup of products. It is just that CTIX dances to a very slow drummer and it will take IMO until Q1/2 next year to get enough concrete results on any of our products to start bringing in the big boys and get the stock price moving. Anything prior to that will be a pleasant surprise (maybe uplisting will help) to me but my excitement for where I think CTIX can go is now higher than ever, it is just going to take a bit longer to get there than I first realized (should have listened to Seel back at the start of the K trial)! I think this reticence to increase the share price is shown by the many investors now who show extreme worry over financing, the recent acquisition, and the upcoming trials for P and B and nothing short of a lucrative partnership deal is going to get them to push the stock price up. I personally get upset over the questioning of everything Leo does when everything to date has been spot on right and remarkably efficient and handled with true professionalism.
Bio, as a fellow golfer you will love my consistency in my club Sr. Championship this weekend. I embarrassed myself in the first round with an 87 and came back the second day with a 67. I am a regular Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde on the course. At least now I won't be called Dead Ass Last Hermann anymore. Too bad I didn't get to play the courses at The Broadmoor this week as they looked like a million bucks.
Cute Dentist joke:
Guy goes into a woman dentist to get two impacted wisdom teeth pulled.
She tells him she won't sugarcoat anything and the pulling is going to hurt like hell.
She then says to totally numb one side of his mouth she is going to give him an extra large dose of Novacaine. He replies that he has a deathly fear of needles and Novacaine is OUT! NO NEEDLES!
She is exasperated as she tells him it is the preferred way to numb the mouth. He won't budge.
She then says she will go to the 2nd preference, gas. He again says no go, he has a fear that if he goes under via gas or any type of anesthetic he won't wake up so gas is out! NO GAS!
She now is visibly pissed.
She then asks him if pills are OK and he says sure, pills would be great.
She reaches into a drawer and pulls out 2 blue pills, gives them to him, and he quickly downs them.
Smiling broadly, he says that was no problem, and remarks that they looked like Viagra.
She told him they were.
With a puzzled look on his face he said he didn't realize Viagra had numbing effects.
She said they don't, but the pulling of his teeth were going to hurt like hell without Novacaine or gas and she wanted to make sure he had something to hold onto!
Bio, as a fellow golfer you will love my consistency in my club Sr. Championship this weekend. I embarrassed myself in the first round with an 87 and came back the second day with a 67. I am a regular Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde on the course. At least now I won't be called Dead Ass Last Hermann anymore. Too bad I didn't get to play the courses at The Broadmoor this week as they looked like a million bucks.
Cute Dentist joke:
Guy goes into a woman dentist to get two impacted wisdom teeth pulled.
She tells him she won't sugarcoat anything and the pulling is going to hurt like hell.
She then says to totally numb one side of his mouth she is going to give him an extra large dose of Novacaine. He replies that he has a deathly fear of needles and Novacaine is OUT! NO NEEDLES!
She is exasperated as she tells him it is the preferred way to numb the mouth. He won't budge.
She then says she will go to the 2nd preference, gas. He again says no go, he has a fear that if he goes under via gas or any type of anesthetic he won't wake up so gas is out! NO GAS!
She now is visibly pissed.
She then asks him if pills are OK and he says sure, pills would be great.
She reaches into a drawer and pulls out 2 blue pills, gives them to him, and he quickly downs them.
Smiling broadly, he says that was no problem, and remarks that they looked like Viagra.
She told him they were.
With a puzzled look on his face he said he didn't realize Viagra had numbing effects.
She said they don't, but the pulling of his teeth were going to hurt like hell without Novacaine or gas and she wanted to make sure he had something to hold onto!

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