Fascinating article written by our RFMK CEO, Tom Allinder.
The CEO wrote the article linked above earlier in the year and it was probably already posted by some but I wanted to post the link again because it is a fascinating read. It is clear that the CEO has a soild understanding about the micro cap capital markets and how to really successfully build long term shareholder value from scratch. In the article he spells out all the fiction and common misunderstandings behind what the message board bashers spew every day. He writes about the CEO of BeBevCo which I personally believe was the CEO he referenced in the last shareholder update as being the possible consultant from a successful beverage company. If that is true and it is Mr Weber who will be onboard with RFMK then that is HUGE!! I do not think many shareholders here are understanding how big of a positive catalyst that would be for RFMK! He goes on to write about how few micro cap companies turn around a broken story and pull it out of the "swamp" that is the micro cap market and into legitimacy and building a successful business. Against all the odds, the CEO of BeBevCo pulled it off and now if he is going to be onboard with RFMK then it could mean a whole new growth path for RFMK going forward. This tells me that RFMK management really indeed has an emphasis on growth and the primary goal is to turn this broken down company and stock into a legitimate successful business, which the CEO has stated numerous times in recent shareholder updates. I think that Mr Allinder wants to mirror the success that the CEO of BeBevCo accomplished and as a shareholder this gives me great hope for RFMK!
One quote from the article states, "David Brinkley said: A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him ."
As TopDog says, "BRICK BY BRICK"!!! I think that the CEO of RFMK also holds this concept as how RFMK can become successful and I think it is a very strong way for management to think about bringing shareholders value in RFMK. The future looks bright!
Do or do not, there is no try.