I think it is safe to say that a majority of the folk that understand the fundamentals of the BMSN investment understands that the company and the shareholders alike are presently at the mercy of one of the most inept AND unethical mobs in a very long time. This government is an overstuffed sow, lulling while suckling the teat of the taxpayer as its useless piglets equally suckle for every bit of fat they can get. All the while, we hardworking, determined schmucks continue to plod along, out in the fields, while the circling wolves look for every opportunity to prey upon any weakness within us they can find.
That is where ignorance and laziness have gotten us.
So, as we wait out the incessant delays created through no fault of our own, remember a few things:
A.) Although the company was alerted to the patent protection expiration for the protected goods they bought and paid for (Oregon State) on 21 July,(since said expiration was not publicly noted until around the time of 21 July) the expiration actually occurred several months prior. However, it took the government months to update the system so that it was reflected. Not only did it take them months to update the public system, the licensee (BMSN) was never alerted by the USPTO. It took the frequent scouring of the dockets by a concerned investor to realize the expiration was a reality and the subsequent alerting of such before BMSN was informed.
B.) On or about 22 August, a docket update/alert for the abandonment of the HemXellerate trademark was issued. This was six days after the USPTO updated their system, noting internally that the trademark application was considered “abandoned”. It would be more than four weeks before such was publicized and ultimately brought to the attention of readers of a certain investor’s board.
Given this government’s history of doing things in their own sweet time, there is not a single living soul that should be surprised by the snail’s pace at which they are presently moving to conclude the HemaXellerate IND application. However, I will note that I am pretty convinced that if the company had not been faced with the patent expiration issue as it was, given the confidence of Dr. Ichim when I spoke to him on 17 July about the then present submissions made with regard to the efficacy request by the FDA, approval would most likely already be a reality. And, it is quite possible we would be debating the FDA approval of the already submitted MIN/Benitec Science IND submission as the necessaries for the HemaXellerate trials are being processed. I do truly believe that.
Further, it is obvious that many are still not quite understanding how it is the company plans to proceed once trials of HemaXellerate and the Min/Benitec Science are underway. Understanding this is key to understanding the potential of your investment in this company. Not only understanding the potential but also understanding the pace at which things will move once they, the company, have successfully cleared the hurdles of the IND applications. So, I would like for you to study the below box then look outside of it. While you’re doing that, consider the snail that is hauling the cargo and ask yourself “do any of us, other than the government, know when the government is going to give us what we are waiting for?”. We absolutely do not. All we know is that they have to. They can’t sit on their laurels forever. As a matter of fact they have created their own rules that even they, too, have to abide by. Granted, often times they have to be reminded of this.
And do any of us think that anyone is more eager to see this come to fruition than the company? Especially the doctors that have busted their humps for so long to see these treatments a reality. I think not.
I am not going to say "next week"
NOTE: The "we should be about here" denotes where I think we actually are now with the present state of things.