When I was a kid, you could still get U.S. currency, even dollar bills that had “Gold Certificate or Silver Certificate” printed on it. Once the U.S. got off Gold and Silver to back the currency, that’s when everything started to cost more and more, until Jimmy Carter pushed it through the roof in 1977.. I don’t know how much Gold is in Fort Knox now? Used to be the largest Gold Reserve in the world, but I think the democrats have sold it off many times over the past 30 years.. Top Secret now.. Maybe they sold it all, figuring it’s cheaper just to print worthless paper… There is still about 100 million tons of iron ore setting at the docks in China with a burn rate just under 1 million mt per day, so hopefully a bounce will hit in October, I don’t see Shirley and Sharon selling anything for the moment, not at 30 dollars a ton less than the June shipment.. They will most likely ship 60k/mt at a cost of around 18.00, making up almost half the price loss in cheaper freight… That’s what I think, those are two sharp girls, they will do fine either way..