Iggy, is response to your pm, yes I talked with Dale and Steve each for about forty minutes two Friday's ago. Much of what was said has already been hashed out on the board. I beleive that we will hear about the Hazen report soon, but who knows when. I have been struggling with the two sided stories for a week now, but what I think it all comes down to is philosophical differences in opinion on how to proceed. I don't think any of us doubt now after multiple testing that there is tremendous value in the sands of the pampana, but the difference arises in how to best move forward to aqcuire that value. This is only my opinion, but I think that the AMS guys are really itching to start processing and looking at much more short term gains versus the SNEY approach of shoring up the value of the property in order to bring in really big money to create "an entirely new area in the mining sector in Sierra Leone subject to our ability to raise additional capital."
IMO, the AMS guys are the ones getting there hands dirty, living in the bush with all the hardships of a third world country. They see the dirt they are pulling from the river, they know there is money in that sand, and they are anxious to get at it. Dale strikes me as a guy similar to myself, less talk more action kind of attitude. I think he is a guy that wakes up with his boots on and is ready to start the day. My opinion of the SNEY crew is that they are older, wiser, and know that they can't wake up with boots on anymore. They have played this game before, they spent their time getting dirty but now they have the experience to realize that, at times, it is best to take a cautionary approach. Test, re-test if needed, find what the aproximate value is, devise the game plan for proper extraction and seperation and most importantly financing to achieve the goal, and finally execute. The change of the board clearly shows what direction SNEY wants to take, they all have extensive financing backgrounds. I believe this board was put together to aid in finding the funding to move to the next stage of the game plan, "an entirely new area in the mining sector in Sierra Leone subject to our ability to raise additional capital."
This whole soap opera reminds me of an old story my father used to tell me about an old bull and a young bull standing atop a hill looking down to the valley full of cows. The young bull says to the older bull, "lets run down there and fu@@ one of those cows" and the older bull replies, "no, lets walk down there and fu@@ them all"
I will be walking with SNEY