What sunny explained is true also if for example you look at some of the profiles either some are new aliases that just pop up of nowhere and/or some i've noticed has a lapse between there born alias date and when they atarted to post ex: NQ started to post 4 years after he signed up on that site ? why 4 years later then all of a sudden targets stocks to Bash,even states that one dislikes VUI but why is that member always in their IR Firms plays ? hmmmm
For the continious bashing, that SITE allows lots of bashing and pumping, we all know promoters (pumpers) are paid but bashers do not have a disclaimer so it's illegal since it's considered manipulation, if you look at some pumpers you will see the same tactics from bashers so it's most definetly some are PAID to do so on both positive or negative posts, YES some are upset for losing money, i would to if i would put my life savings in a stock and it slaps me back but then again i would look at myself in the mirror and wonder why i did such a **** thing, it's a traders responsibilty to know there RISK and REWARD levels before investing blindly, if one thinks by putting ALL their funds and they would win the jackpot, they might as well go to VEGAS ..LOL !!! some gotta learn to act MATURE about their good or bad investment decisions and move on instead of whining day in day out like a kid that misssed sesame street
heres a post below that has some good reads on the Subject of Pumpers/Bashers/Market Makers etc...