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Binge TV Viewing Growing With On-Demand TV Services
On-demand TV services are seeing higher "binging" activity. "Binge" viewing -- which Nielsen describes as watching more than three episodes a day -- is big among subscription video-on-demand (SVOD) services: 88% of Netflix users and 70% of Hulu Plus users have streamed three or more episodes of the same TV show in one day.
Nielsen says 38% of U.S. viewers use or subscribe to Netflix in 2013 -- up from 31% in 2012; 18% for Hulu Plus, up from 12%; 13% for Amazon Prime Video, nearly doubling from its 7% number a year ago; and 12% for the basic Hulu service, an increase from 9% a year ago.
The desktop/laptop computer is primarily the device of choice for these SVOD services -- at 44% for Netflix users and 43% for Hulu Plus. This is followed by mobile devices, where 23% of Netflix users go, and 17% for Hulu Plus.
Internet-enabled TVs have reached 17% for Netflix users and 14% for Hulu Plus. Connecting a computer to a TV activity is at 16% for Netflix and 15% for Hulu Plus.
Specifically, Nielsen reports that 45% of Netflix streaming subscribers watch original programming, such as “House of Cards” or “Lilyhammer.”
Read more: http://www.mediapost.com/publications/article...z2fHQobRQX