Now you are thinking. The timing dimension is a huge part of trading that many people completely overlook. Remember how the low was put in exactly 1 year from the low right before the breakout.
People are creatures of habit. When you are trading a stock, all you are doing is trading against another person, and they are governed by their habits.
Wait for the investment bankers to get back from Labor Day weekend and get their act together. Then they set up their plans for making money from here through the end of the year. MPIX is kind of a sexy project to take on given all the music industry relationships.
Then the bankers start making their calls and taking the company to road shows and seminars in October for a 4th quarter push. That's the typical deal.
I used to attend a lot of PIPE conferences and small cap events in NYC and meet all these little companies looking for funding, and a whole bunch of investors that specialize in these kind of deals.