Thanks Cheryl.
I have been a long in RFMK since well before they were advertising the Bionic Cig on the Brickyard 400. I remember when rec came on the other board asking about this stock & beginning his DD on this. It was a great story to hear about him getting his mmj card & meeting Judah. Matty was a big supporter as well & elite yoda was doing his extremely knowledgeable posting even then.
I thought the company had potential back then, but now it is light years ahead of where it was! And much of it is because of your dedication. Boy, when you jump on board with something, you don't mess around!And we love you for it. Keeping up with the progress of everything has been exciting, entertaining & I believe very soon it will be very rewarding for all of us.
No matter what transpires here though, thank you very much for all of your efforts. We longs truly appreciate it. You definitely deserve success.