It took years to get to jnap, then torq........O/S has been remaining steady. GM has stayed the course on his goal.
Signs of his (talked about) plans are showing up. Giving GM's talent to operate behind the scenes on jnap and such, it's
a well established fact that he's good at threading the SEC in such a manner as to operate within the wiggle room allowed.
I expect given the practice, (he's had thus far) he's only gotton better. I also think he's playing the game on a Global
scope; hence totally focused on the Big Bucks; Therefor I expect a turbocharged Rocket up in sp or a fizzled out dud.
Until there is news to substantiate one way or the other, there is no definitive way to call it 100%. I do lean toward
the success of DUTV......I have found other threads which seem to support it, but they are also tenuous. It's kinda like
when you see multiple signs of smoke, you can't actually claim there's a fire,....but the signs indicate a conflagration is
about to break out. That's the best we have until news.
A lot of GM's info has disappeared from the net, but copies of tweets were made and new tweets since then. I suspect that
was due to keeping up to terms in agreement with others.......flip side, if fraudulent, was establishing clear grounds for
prosecution, (I don't think he's that foolish, so lean toward the former).
Since the net has been approved as a means to update shareholders, the failure to comply creates a credibility issue.
That said, given the latest filing, I look for a delay with actual news sometime next week, (after IBC 2013).
Reason I stated biding time was I have a comfortable position, (great enough to meet my needs, but not enough to hurt me,
(not much anyway,....other than my feelings) and will be able to write it off if I need to.
It takes the time it takes to find out one way or the other and I will continue to abide with integrity (to best of my