TYTN update "CEO Mailbag"
February 27, 2012
Dear Shareholders,
In an effort to answer calls and emails, I have elected to answer questions here on our website. This is not to avoid making PRs, but rather in addition to that. We have many PRs that should be coming out soon.
I hope to be able to update this page every month, with my own words on the most popular questions that we can answer.
You have heard much about “free speech” and “expressed opinions”, used when negative comments are being made on the stock forums about a stock. The argument is, that these comments fall under the rights provided under the First Amendment protection. Some are stock holders and some are not. This type of reasoning is always designed to be self serving.
Well, I am here to tell you, that defamation or the telling of untruths does not fall under the First Amendment. I can also tell you that the parties who previously have participated in such actions, have done so for their own benefit. And just like before, Tytan is going to respond in a manner that will win for Tytan.
These parties have camped out at the TYTN talk forum areas, simply because it is a very good stock ! They feel safe they can do well with it, since it is obviously greatly undervalued. It takes time to put together winning plans, and I think we have arrived at a time where we can start to be effective on this front.
These people benefit when the price drops and their efforts go to make sure that happens. The Best Solution for the stockholder who is wanting a higher yield, is very simple, do not sell their stock !
This is just part of what you get when you have a public company. It’s called manipulation.
Answers to questions that have been asked of Tytan
A) Salary. In the footnotes of our financials, you will see that I am entitled to get a $6000/month salary and that I have not taken any payments in these hard economic times. Check the financials posted at
http://www.otcmarkets.com/stock/TYTN/financials. This is a far cry from their predictions to their innocent targets.
Rent: Same thing with the rent. Even though I’m supposed to get paid rent for the property I own, I haven’t taken a dime.
C) Taxes: "Property Taxes" that were brought up in the stock forum, was actually on my personal property. I am Tytan's Landlord. Yearly taxes are set each year in the State of Washington. However they are not required to be paid until the end of the third year. I have chosen take advantage of that grace period for the last 30 years this same way.
D) YTO Factory: Here is a verbatim excerpt from an email I received recently from the new President of YTO and while I mention this, make sure you realize this is but only one factory who we are dealing closely with.
“As you know, YTO bought a factory in France. We have dispatched some of our top management group to work over there. We making a lot improvements for your requirements. We value you as a friend . I believe that our companies will have long term successful cooperation. We will honor our agreements which negotiated with you at last trip with other officers who are now at French Factory.. “
People also ask why I don’t report more on what happened during the trips and visits.
I cannot report deals in which the products are "Top Secret". Tytan will not go where I want it to go, by just having "me too products”; in other words, goods that are essentially the same as everyone else's. That is also why we are seeking Patents on many of our ideas. Either having a "niche" or being the leader, with KEY new products is where we want to be.
E) I have never given any family members monies from Tytan or “built” my daughters a new house.
F) Sales of Private Placement shares: Shares were sold to raise money to buy inventory, purchase Tytan leasing, Pay for Patent work and much more . This is standard procedure for a rapidly growing and developing company. The key to this is keeping the amount to a modest amount. Tytan did not do this during its first year. Unfortunately, last year Tytan had entered into some financial commitments that would not have taken much stock. However in the middle of that process, the manipulators successfully scared many investors with false accusations and thus the stock prices dropped drastically, while our commitments did not. Also hurt from this, was Tytan's ability to use stock as banking collateral value. Thus we were forced to increase the amount of stock .
G) Reverse Split: As I mentioned, I cannot comment on that. It will take effect when FINRA decides it will take effect.
My History:
I have succeeded at every company I have ever started. I did this by working hard, sticking to my word, and being honest with people. This has been my formula for success for the last 40 years and I’m not about to change it now.
My first success was as a Manufacturers Rep ,in which I had Exclusive Contracts with large companies such as Ray Ban Sun glasses, Starcraft Boats, Carl Zeiss Optical, The Brunton Company, Minn Kota Motors, Fuji Optical and many other lines that totaled nearly 30 factories. We were able to get those lines based on the recommendations from the large Chain and Distributor Buyers.
Trailerworld was my Shore Land'r Boat Trailer Distributorship, that within 9 years grew from zero to be the largest Distributorship in the USA. That had over 100 dealers.
My Promark/Proline Hip and Chest Wader business was successful in selling to chain stores and distributors throughout the USA. I designed these goods and had them produced in Korea. These were featured on National TV ads.
Rhino Tractors hit the "niche" perfectly and went to over 100 dealers Nationwide within eight years. I sold it for a nice profit.
In conclusion, I want to make one thing very clear: I am a share holder, just like you. It is in my best interest to achieve success. All of my plans are to take Tytan bigger and better than Rhino. I do appreciate the constructive comments and I can assure you, they are not falling on deaf ears. All my decisions are made to grow this company and improve our shares’ value, long term. The one thing I have always been good at is "timing". Some product lines are easier then others to have ready to meet a good market climate. Others have taken more planning and went through more ups and downs in the various economies. In all cases, when the iron gets hot, we have always been ready to strike. I feel confident Tytan is on track for a good future.
Thanks for your support and we’ll talk again soon,
Mark Leonard
posted on his website here on Feb 27 2012
$TYTN camp # 2 Long & Holding "ON"