I think your valid, we have not seen any revs from DUTV, and am hoping with all the information they have presented that we even have fiber loops. I stated confirmed only due to the propriatary fiber loop tweets that we received. Have I seen them, no. Would I like too --- YOU BET. If we have them and are working a deal to start recovering revs from them - we will be golden when we start to accumulate the revs. I thought TORQ was ours and that is why I was not really happy with the filings due to it not accounting for any revs from TORQ and no partners listed. The partners I understand, but the TORQ revs I would have liked to have seen.
Some say, they are working on a deal, then cool - I am patient and can afford to wait and see.
As we all need - NEWS - if we had it - none of this would matter.