Wait until you see the OFFICIAL Seattle Hempfest 2012 T-Shirt, With the 420 Party Train (everybody all aboard" and the official back "appearances by, Cheryl Shuman The Shu" LOL Matt found them. Isn't it cool that my vision of the Party Train came true and landed on the official t-shirt, then this wild run we're on? Coincidence? LOL I think not.
In the immortal words of "Elite Yoda" Do or Do Not.... There is not try...
We are "doin' it" LOL
I can't stop singing! Tell all of the "new boys" over on the other investment boards about our videos and "stuff". Tell them I send my best and appreciate their positive energy and MOMO for RFMK, my beloved longs, my new friends and the empire we are building.
The empire strikes back.....
Can you feel it?
Can you smell it?
I can
Are you sharing those videos and social networks to build our empire.... Tell me.
-Cheryl Shuman