So if the whole thing has turned around to favor SNEY why all the controversy? Why are all the Allied investors up in arms? Why are so many people concerned with the mass exodus of Allied guys from sney? Why is Dale flooded with emails and phone calls wanting his opinion and if he thinks SNEY will succeed? Why are people asking to invest in Tantalus?
IMHO, everyone needs to back up and recognize that the Allied guys have a huge amount of skin in the SNEY game (time, their own money, that of their families and friends who have also invested, their personal relationships, and their health, by spending the last 5 years busting butt in SL, getting malaria and typhoid) and cannot afford to have SNEY fail. I believe they are anxious to move SNEY forward into groundstaking of new properties, exploration, processing,and production and the best way to do that is to start a new company, Tantalus, which is nimble, much more like a mountain bike. IMHO we just need to keep our heads on and give the Tantalus guys a chance to move forward, recognizing their huge personal investment in SNEY. Tantalus is in 5th gear and will finish the race to help create the anticipated cash flow situation to the benefit of both SNEY andTantalus. Hopefully a positive PR will be released one of these days to clarify the status for all the shareholders and we can stop all this bullshit about who did what to who - there's plenty of culpability to go around - and start recognizing that professionalism from both companies and the critical need for SNEY to succeed should prevail. So, again, if you think the Allied guys are abandoning SNEY, you need to wake up and smell the coffee.