Seattle Hempfest 2012 OUTRAGEOUS Success! I have three full days, count 'em (3) full days of videos and photos of yours truly (Cheryl Shuman), RFMK Investor and Rock Star "MattySimone", and "Simmi" with a wonderful and fun colorful cast of characters at the Hempfest. I have video # 1 & #2 uploaded on YouTube (links below) please share far and wide wherever you can. Photos also being uploaded.
Seattle Hempfest Video Clip #1
Seattle Hempfest Video Clip #2
Photo Links so far.
Jodie Emery and hundreds of other photos:
I'm 35,000 ft in the air at this very moment on Alaska Airlines (love it) gotta love being wireless in these huge CUMULUS clouds Can't wait to upload all of the photos and videos. I'm so very proud of our company, the products, LOVE the Long Investors for hanging in there with us!!!! This is just the beginning! HUGE things ahead $$$$