Playground warefare
If you want to see what happens to E&P plays that don't talk a big game, and are content with taking baby steps in the right direction with no fanfare, take a look at WGAS, GRPR, and FEGR.
They are quite possibly legit little penny stock oil plays. They are doing the right things but when you look at WGAS for instance, who PR's every little piece of construction on their well platform like the addition of a helicopter pad, and does not release any estimates of their BPD to get people excited, it is no wonder that they are sitting at around 2 million market cap with a downtrend in pps.
What is the vision of those 3 companies? All I gather is they want scraps of oil here and there, and there's nothing wrong with that.
What is the vision of TECO? They want to be a multi billion dollar market cap plus international oil company.
Honestly if they even become a half billion dollar market cap would you complain? With what I have invested in TECO I would still be a millionaire and I bet you would, too.
In the mean time they have to keep up the big talk to keep the bears off of them because let's face it, this stock would probably be no different from those 3 other companies otherwise.
Wilt Chamberlain said that he did not have to block every single shot, he just had to make the other guy think he would. If you watch boxing, there are probably 3 fake jabs, fake crosses, and head fakes to every 1 real attempt to actually hit the opponent.
TECO may BS the bears 4 out of 5 times, but that one time that they actually have the nut is what kept the bears from dropping the stock into the sub penny range.