I think Bao is in charge of shipping and probably waiting til they have a load of finished product to ship to the states-as they did last time to Los Angeles-and then took ore back to China on return trip
in answer to anothers question re the ore at port in june PR--36k tons ore was at port in Dec-then had to get new more strict export permit-which after going thru channels was stamped by the last agency on Jan 23-
then the govt in an apparent overbroad attempt to catch illegal cartel mines on the south mainland border -Mexicos wild west-required of exporters a new series of audits which werent finished til March-see june PR.
so delay in shipping that ore was due to Mexican govt -but left hand often doesnt know what right hand is doing -so 1 portion of govt apparently wanted port storage fees or something-"time lapse in customs" see PR-so they were no doubt in the process of clearing that up.
Cant logically charge port storage when it was the govt 's actions that created the delay.
they could be trucking as far as we know-as Rocket suggested trucking a couple weeks ago