Here are the things in the latest PR’s that I am looking forward to hearing more news about.
1. Update: preparations for the Wind Turbines and the LED lighting installation scheduled for the Physicians Center Project in Houston, TX are ready and are in the process of final site preparation
2. ALI ANSARI, President of The FreshBrew Group stated, "We are excited about retrofitting all of our existing lighting with Building Turbines LED lighting. We will not only experience a tremendous cost savings in our electric bill; but also through tax incentives and available rebates. As a next step, we are in the process of working with Building Turbines Engineers to determine the proper number and placement of their rooftop turbine units for future installation on all our buildings."
3. The first project Building Turbines will be engaged in the county will be a large county hospital, with $400K allocated to their LED lighting upgrades alone. I am interested in hearing about the Second, Third and so forth projects for Harris County, Texas
4. with a second 55,000 sq-ft building to follow shortly after, based on installation results and savings.
Looks like plenty of work is being laid out for the future to have a continuous revenue base.