The EPA website is filled with lots of good info, I'd start there, especially whereas the verification process is concerned. I think it only a matter of time as HLNT has been down this road before with the EPA (a separate independent 3rd-party lab w/o the software to quantifiably capture the Wildcat's performance). I think, this time around they got it right with "the lab".
Anyway, it could take another 6-12months to hear but we should get the HOSS in that time, the NIR resolution/clear heading, retired-debt, fleet updates & a bunch more on the "goodies front". This stock is a solid no-brainer if they can successfully navigate some challenging circumstances. The track record on this now 2yr CEO Charlton Coats is that he IS THE MAN for the job. He is getting it done & amazingly efficient & well. Have to say I am impressed. This stock could be headed for HUGE HUGE gains & vastly outrun its previous historic high of $0186.
Building up my position here NOW before all the world gets wind!