Hey Steve keep up the great work! I have a couple of notes, I know I know everyone does now a days, your footprint seems to be large enough to yes get the word out on ICPA. On the other hand most people that are out and about are not stock traders or even investors. To be honest I would bet more than 60% of the population doesn't even understand how their 401k's work let alone how a broker or investment account works. I think that is why questions was asking about an awareness campaign to bring in people that actually understand what long term investing is and how it works. None of us here want quick profits, well some of us I'm sure do, what we want or rather need are new long term investors to buy up more of the float and eventually get us to the NASDAQ. Even blue chips on the NASDAQ have awareness campaigns running 3 out of 5 days of the week to bring in more volume and liquidity.
On another note I hope Julie Knapp (Think I spelled her name wrong) is doing her job because even if we are not being paid by PRN (Which I think the fact we don't have to pay for airtime on PRN is amazing) product placement could still be bringing in revenue. Which I am sure you are well aware of. I think she could be one of the biggest assets added to the team in the last 6 months because product placement is where the $$$ is since most people don't watch commercials anymore.
I am by no means saying what you are doing is not great and very original. I am one of the true longs in this stock because I believed in ICPA before we ever even produced a show or had a CC contract or even had a TV network. I have owned this stock for well over a year and still believe in everything you are working towards and doing and I give you full kudos. You are very well connected and I have 100% confidence in what the ICPA future will bring.
BTW - My name is Don Dunn and I also believe we can have a more civil conversation when not hiding behind forum names.
Keep up the great work, this company has made leaps and bounds in 2012.