The Administración Portuaria Integral (API) S.A. de D.V. was established in 1994 by law to manage all ports in Mexico. API Ensenada is the port authority for the Puerto de Ensenada . The API’s objectives are to manage, control, supervise, and promote port properties, services, and activities. API is financially self-sufficient, operating from its own profits with charges for cargo-handling, port services, and other activities. API pays the Government of Mexico each year for the use of each port.
In 2008, the Puerto de Ensenada handled 2.9 million tons of cargo, including 1.6 million tons of exports, 564 thousand tons of exports, and 798 thousand tons of cabotage. The Puerto de Ensenada handled a total of 121.4 thousand TEUs of containerized cargo in 2008, including 50.4 thousand TEUs of imports, 51.9 thousand TEUs of exports, 8.2 thousand TEUs of transshipments, and 10.1 thousand TEUs for repairs. In 2008, 655.6 thousand passengers and 277 cruise ships visited the Puerto de Ensenada.
Of the 2.9 million tons of cargo handled in 2008, 1.1 million tons was containerized cargo, 1.2 million tons was mineral bulk (primarily limestone), 440 thousand tons was wheat, and 107.5 thousand tons was general cargo. Other cargoes included other minerals, liquefied natural gas, and perishables.
The Puerto de Ensenada occupies an important strategic location in the State of Baja California. Located near the border with the United States, the Puerto de Ensenada has connections to a range of regional and international markets by sea, rail, and road. It is connected by rail to the towns of Mexicali and Tecate as well as Tijuana and the United States. The Puerto de Ensenada is within 250 kilometers of three main border crossings with the United States.
The Puerto de Ensenada is a multi-purpose port with a role in industrial, commercial, recreational, and tourism activities for the region. Industrial activities include handling general cargo, bulk minerals, and containers and operating specialized shipyards. Commercial activities include commercial fishing, marinas, cruises, and sports fishing.
Located on the Pacific Rim, the Puerto de Ensenada has direct access to important international trade routes, connecting it with 64 ports in 28 countries. Exports go to Asia (Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Indonesia, and Malaysia), Central and South America (Chili, Honduras, and Costa Rica), Europe (Spain, Italy, and France), and Africa (Algeria and Morocco). Imports to the Puerto de Ensenada arrive primarily from Asia, Nicaragua, and New Zealand. Due to the growing maquiladora (assembling) industry, relations with countries in Asia are an increasingly active area.
The multiple use terminal at the Puerto de Ensenada is operated as the Ensenada International Terminal by the Hutchinson Group. The terminal specializes in handling containers. With capacity for 130 TEUs, the terminal can handle 32 TEUs per hour by crane.
A public pier, the Pension Portuaria para el Autotransporte is operated by API as the central regulator for federal motor transport entering and leaving the port. It covers about 35 thousand square meters.
The Puerto de Ensenada’s CEMEX Terminal is operated by Cementos del México. The terminal specializes in handling and storing cement, stone, and high-quality stone materials. With capacity to handle 800 thousand tons per year, the terminal covers 58.9 thousand square meters and has capacity to store 18 thousand tons of cargo.
The Stony Products Terminal at the Puerto de Ensenada is operated by Petreos del Pacifico. Specializing in the export of stony products like crushed rock, bagged stones, and sand. Covering an area of 31.4 thousand square meters, the terminal has capacity to handle 2.5 million tons per year and to store 12.9 thousand tons. The dock is 290 meters long and can accommodate four vessels.
The Puerto de Ensenada’s Concrete Structure Terminal is operated by API for docking and unloading fishing boats and providing related services. It can accommodate 30 vessels. The terminal loads and unloads vessels; provides provisions like fuel, potable water, lubricants, ice, salt, and electric power. The terminal provides floating, electrical, and mechanical repair and garbage-handling services.
The Cruise Ship Terminal at the Puerto de Ensenada serves cruise and private vessels. Covering 161 thousand square meters, the terminal can accommodate vessels that carry as many as 3200 passengers. The terminal has capacity to handle 800 million passengers each year in a 39.5 thousand square meter facility. Equipped with two gangways, the docks are 163 meters and 185 meters long.
The Puerto de Ensenada’s Sports Fishing is under development to serve nautical tourists and sports fishers, receiving and servicing their vessels. Eleven companies have operations in the sport fishing area to provide services that include marinas, charter fishing in the bay, whale-watching excursions, collection and handling of garbage, and providing electricity and potable water.
The Puerto de Ensenada’s Seafront Walking Area, called the Ventana al Mar (Window to the Sea) is administered by API Ensenada to provide waterfront available to the public and promote the port’s relationship to the community. The walk is 1.1 kilometers long and 10 meters wide and contains areas recreation and relaxation. API Ensenada hosts over 50 cultural, educational, and sporting events each year, including whale-watching.
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