Please stay on topic.. and todays topic is SteelerWifey Bday.... you go girl... Happy Bday! Do you have any younger sisters? ha ha. You are awesome.. and to 40 more years for the steelerz..
Wifey - we should be celebrating your BDAY with the STRUC EVDR South Florida party..ha ha.... oh well we will postpone for one month... post PROMO... bring some sisters... haha. Park your cruise ship right on the waterway... should be much cooler here in aonther month as well.
EVDR blows up this week... MMG tells all.... AI #1 and AI #2 get fully loaded..
Anyone think financials were delayed on purpose to try and get the "yield" and hence a lower PPS , POSSIBLY, on monday? 5's and maybe 4's... well highly doubt 4s... hmmmmm