Keep an Eye on the Energy 1 Corporation Board
Start by reading this Sticky of a Private Placement Offering to EGOC Shareholders:
MY OPINION First of all I believe that immediatel following the acquisition, E-1 will be valued at 10x to 20x the current prices. M/L has positive monthly cash flow and 4.5 million in assets. I believe Ray will aggressively grow the business and I believe he will succeed! I also believe that Ray has a sound business plan and acquiring M/L will only springboard E-1's business plan because of M/L's existing customer base and the customers that Stu has wanted to sell to but didn't have the ability to grow. If M/L couldn't service it's customer base before because of funding, what do you think the demand will be for E-1 truck's that get 35% fuel efficiency and CARB compliant emissions? Ray's goal to get to 750 trucks on the road is highly achievable, especially with some marketing and secondary financing that doesn't exist today. There's no question the PPS will go up, especially when we're out of Pinkyland! That's another plus! The company is currently in the final stages of a 10Q process to file and seek upgrade to OTCQB. Financing is key to these events and will be accomplaished either with the help of shareholders or without. I see this PP opportunity a little differently. I see it as not only helping the company but helping my investment and at the same time I'm buying an insurance policy by holding convertible 144 shares. It's definitely worth checking out! GLTA