"The core business for Hannover House is the distribution of films onto DVD and Blu-Ray discs, with Wal-Mart Stores, Redbox, Netflix and Best Buy comprising about 90% of the Company's revenues from consumer products."
---This will have to change.
It is no longer viable long-term for a company to have as its core business hard-copy distribution of DVDs. Per the CEO himself in past discussions of company activities, we are informed that this is a declining segment of the media industry. Just walk into Costco or Best Buy and evaluate for yourselves the shrinking retail floor space devoted to DVD sales. Furthermore, HH is presently limited in its distribution network to releasing at most 2-3 dvd titles per month, again per the CEO. Retrospectively, HH has never even come close to releasing 2-3 dvd titles per month, so I place little expectation on such distribution schemes bringing in impressive revenues. It is a very 90's mindset to promote a company having as its core the sale of hard-copy dvds. This impresses no one unless it is a major production studio selling its own products.
BUT.....then came along Nanotek to save the day. We now have a top-tier.....yes, a WORLD CLASS... technology partner who is providing Hannover House with the once in a company-lifetime opportunity to turn things around.
Digital transmission is overtaking everything and points the way to the future.
I am the preacher trying to raise consciousness on this one salient point. Nothing matters more to HH than making VWiz succeed and using all its potential to the full. A modestly successful VWiz will easily match all the revenue coming in from DVD sales with plenty left over to fund theatrical productions.
I hope HHSE management has a new consciousness arising enabling it to throw off the thinking of the past 25 years for what lies ahead in the next 10 years.