
The Next Paradigm Shift
The goal with search is to quickly get users to the information they seek, shortening their path to insight. Users need to be able to find everything right from a single search box, using natural language, rather than having to learn a specific syntax.
Not only does this offer a massive time saving, but it has a binary impact. If you are an investment manager, analyst or salesperson looking for trade ideas and you have a query that would take hours to explore but you're 75% sure it's a dead end, you probably won't ask it. If it takes you four seconds to explore the idea, you might as well make the query. As semantic search introduces financial markets professionals to a world of exact answers, we will witness expanded exploration of trading ideas. With one click, financial professionals can weed through all of the noise in market data. This is about throwing away the time-consuming user manuals and empowering the markets to do what they do best: make money.

