International Energy Agency (IEA):
The IEA’s Medium-Term Renewable Energy Market Report of 2012 analyzed eight of the most common renewable energy sources, hydropower, bioenergy, onshore wind, offshore wind, solar photovoltaics, concentrating solar power (CSP), geothermal, and ocean power . Because these technologies have started to develop a maturing market, they are apt to increase quickly in the coming years as the economic competitiveness for each has stirred business around the world.
As a result, the IEA predicts that renewable energy terawatt hours will rise almost 60 percent by 2017, going from 1,160 from 2005-2011 TWh to 1,840 TWh, coming from 710 gigawatts of new renewables. The report also predicts China will contribute 270 gigawatts to the new renewable capacity, as well as 56 gigawatts for the United States, 36gw for India and 32 for Germany.
The optimistic report sees wind power growing at the greatest rate of 15.6 percent, with bioenergy not far behind at 8.3 percent increase. Either way, this incredible prediction shows the great changes that renewable energies are making across the globe.
Read more: IEA Predicts 40 Percent World-Wide Increase of Renewable Energy Usage by 2017 | Inhabitat - Sustainable Design Innovation, Eco Architecture, Green Building
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