Indeed, thanks for noticing it and shedding light upon it. It's true, eventually, the true nature and reality of the dark side is revealed for all to see. That is one true weakness of the dark side that is alluded to in the Star Wars series but is not directly conveyed. Each of the dark side villains have advantage in the beginning and the first engagements, because of ambush and the unknown, and usually escape or claim victory at first, however each one later on is shown to have a discovered weakness and are defeated. With enough time, the light eventually is shed and illuminates the darkness to reveal the weaknesses and those weaknesses are usually masked and clouded by the dark side in order to masquerade as if they are invincible. But nothing is and no argument or degree of negativity is immune to weakness. Eventually the weakness is discovered and taken advantage of. This same handle on iScam likely is used by the entire group as a "long" investor character in order to play both sides of the arguments. The characteristics of that handle is to appear as a big time investor with substantially deep pockets to add to credability. That handle for years has made claims for each stock that millions upon millions of shares in that stock are held, always far more than the average position stake, so as to capture pull among the small fish fry followers. Just read the history of posts, none of it adds up. Allegedly tens of millions of shares are bought when the particular stock is sky rocketing and then after weeks go by and at the time of the post it is shown that it was posted at the near high of the stock then there are later claims that hundreds of thousands were made in profits from the trade, it never quite adds up. Further claims are made that tens of thousands were spent on research or legal fees and attorneys on various stock plays. Its all just smoke and mirrors.
The dark side clouds everything.
When you look at the dark side, careful you must be. For the dark side looks back.
Do or do not, there is no try.