Investorshub.com is a scam company, founded and run by convicted felon, Matthew Brown, a securities law fraudster. "IHUB" is famous for not only his securities fraud scandals, but also the trashing of micro cap companies to benefit naked short trading, and the pumping of stock prices, all in an attempt to manipulate the microcap securities market. Here are just a few scams that Investors Hub is known for:
From my observation, and in my opinion, Investors Hub has created a perfect venue for the free and open operation of criminal stock manipulators who seek to swindle independent low-price stock investors out of their money. Investors Hub (or IHub, as it's called) allows organized groups to take over individual stock forums or message boards. They become forum 'moderators' with the unique ability to delete the posts of others. These groups then act as an organized conspiracy to push forward a single agenda designed to promote the stock, with the intent to get people to buy shares and cause the price to move in the direction they want. This process is generally referred to as a 'Pump & Dump' scheme. As the stock price moves to an extreme level, this 'group' then cranks up the volume and increases the intensity, further touting the finer points with a relentless stream of exaggerations and distortions and outright lies; that is called 'The Pump'. While they are doing this they quietly sell out their own shares and take their profit; that is called 'The Dump'. Selling their while urging others to buy more shares is highly dishonest, unethical, and immoral!
To some observers this activity can be very clearly seen. And if they try to counter-balance this activity by posting messages of comment or asking questions for verification of dubious claims, they are immediately disparaged, insulted, attacked, or falsely accused of wrong doing in order to undermine their credibility. In this way this treacherous fraud is allowed to continue and flourish. If they should persist and further complain or otherwise resist these attacks their posts are then deleted, one after another, under the ruse of being 'off topic', or several other feeble and superficial excuses. And complaining to the web site management does nothing more that cause them to further facilitate this fraud by actually censuring or banning the complainants. And ultimately banning them from the very forums where the activity is happening. In this way the complainers are silenced while the success of the perpetrators is guaranteed.
The interesting point of all of this is that these stock manipulators are invariably fee-paying members of the site. So IHub collects fees from this ongoing 'alleged' criminal activity. This must be why IHub management has not taken any action except to move to protect and facilitate this process. I maintain that these, so called, 'membership fees' are little more than veiled bribes to protect wrong doers, who are making substantial profit from this, while most shareholders suffer major losses. And this process repeats endlessly on many forums unrestrained 24/7/365. When the situation is viewed in its entirety, it can only be understood as a well-organized conspiracy to defraud the public, while operating in open view, under the protection of the IHub organization. This is organized crime.
Unfortunately, complaining to the authorities (SEC) does little good, as the standard response is that it is all the investor's fault for being involved in such low quality stocks. Caveat Emptor!
MAJOR SPYWARE, BEWARE! www.investorshub.com
Investors hub is run by several market makers who fund their operations.
They pay the owner of the web site to censor any good info about a company while they short the stock.
Matt Brown a telly tubby look alike has something called Mod Squads that go around and do a communist style scrub of the board of any news that is true positive and those that go against the companies that pay them.
The reason some of you get the White Boot is that they track IP numbers and your MAC address as well. Your information is then sold to these market makers who call you to buy their stocks.
Its a nifty little scam they have going on. They make money by you subscribing to their self serving website you get booted off if they dont like what you say and if you are a dummy who sings their tune then they invite you into the club. The way the club works is that after they feel comfortable with you are offered the position of being a paid basher.
In other words your job is to bash a stock while the market makers (your employer via Investors Hub sell the stock short) How do I know all of this because I was a mod on this site and when this was offered to me in good conscience I could not do it.
When I asked them about this I was booted off and they assigned 15 bashers to the multiple boards where I was a mod or I held stock positions and they bashed the company and me to no end.
newark, New Jersey
I realize we don't have any bashers here, but as long as we invest in penny stocks, we have to deal with the effects they have on the stocks we hold shares in. I also feel that if investors in pennies want a fair shake, we need to find ways to fight back against the corruption and manipulation. ![]() The incidents expose a lack of effective regulation of investment chat boards as well as the huge impact anonymous posters can have on smaller companies and people's lives. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Bramhill has not been the only target. Nostra Terra's Chief Executive Matt Lofgran, one of AIM's youngest chief executives at 34 years of age, recalls a similar experience. "At one point they insinuated I was a drunk driver," says Lofgran, who states categorically that he has never had a conviction for drunk driving. "It's not really what you want for a CEO of your company." ![]() | ![]() Novice Investor Group Comfort Level: : +3 Status: offline ![]() Registered: 05/17/11 | ||||||||
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