Yeah, didnt seem very professional. and the comment "now we are on EVDR" (too tired look up exact quote) but I am in the "deliveries business" and if I miss a deadline or get sidetracked I apologize and immediately state " we are working diligently to get this finalized". to me was like saying we have other important things to do and we will get to this when we can.. probably looking too much into it... just was not what i wanted to hear on a Friday morning especially when Fridays are known to be our "news" days and was hoping for somehting good/positive today. A minor setback.. im sure they regret making the comment.. hopefully MMG will come on here (preferably over the weekend) and clear the air... tell us waiting on EVDR and big things about to happen.. whatever.. give us the truth and give it to us straight. Ok Im done my rant.. Our time is coming.. this company has come too far and about to go a lot further.. all in my opinion.