Good Morning. I look forward to meeting with you in NY. See my responses in red.
On Sun, Aug 18, 2013 at 8:38 AM, David Corry <dcorry10@nc.rr.com> wrote:
Mr. Ehrlich,
Good morning and hope you’re having a relaxing week-end ( despite my Sunday morning interruption : ). I’m very excited about the upcoming conference in NY and plan to fly up and hopefully meet you along with a handful of other excited and committed shareholders. It will be a pleasure and I appreciate you taking time out of your hectic schedule to meet with us. I don’t know if you can respond to my questions listed below but if you can and do I would like to share the information with the CTIX iHub board and the CTIX Investors Hangout board. My questions are as follows :
1. Will you be doing the presentation ?
Yes, I will be doing the presentation.
2. Will the Prurisol Patent be discussed ?
We will be discussing Prurisol and its patent pending.
3. Will you divulge the current Cohort and dosage level for the Kevetrin Trial at DF ?
Yes I will.
4. Will you discuss the timing of the Prurisol Trial in Europe ?
5. Will you discuss UP listing ?
6. Are YOU as EXCITED as I AM about the future ? : )
Yes, Yes. But I must always remind one to read the risk factors as stated in our 10-K
Thanks Mr. Ehrlich and again I am VERY excited about meeting you.