BMT, I've got those people on ignore so all I see under this forum are the longs that have a ton of dd to offer each other. Of course, we are always interested to learn about any negative supported by factual dd but to date, I've haven't seen any. It's been a blessing for the SRGE longs to be able to buy shares at this low level. The longs know what they have while others are trying to hoodwink people to sell valuable shares. MoMo was right. Many folks who have sold did so out of fear. Maybe they should have pulled their certs as MoMo suggested to help them fight the temptation to sell.
Regarding Northern Orion Resources, they want us to believe that's related to another Minera San Jorge S.A. de C.V. But they cannot produce one iota of believable FACTUAL evidence to show there is not a connection.
Posted On: 08/16/2013 10:19:04 PM
Post# of 9903
Re: bigmoneytrader #457
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