Posted On: 08/15/2013 1:01:07 PM
Post# of 39289

India NSE Most Active Stocks Thursday, August 15, 2013 1:00:41 PM
Symbol - Company Name - Std Dev - Last - Change - Percent - High - Low - Time
CHROMATI.NS Chromatic India Limi +29.09 4.500 +0.200 +4.65% 4.500 4.500 08/14/13
SUDAR.NS Sudar Garments Ltd +16.99 7.050 +0.250 +3.68% 7.100 6.850 08/14/13
ASTRAZEN.NS Astrazeneca Pharma +3.93 878.450 +143.000 +19.44% 882.500 752.000 08/14/13
JAYSREET.NS Jayshree Tea & Indus +3.41 85.600 +6.950 +8.84% 87.000 78.500 08/14/13
TATAMOTO.NS Tata Motors Ltd +3.32 319.100 +28.250 +9.71% 324.400 298.200 08/14/13
DEN.NS Den Networks Limited +3.26 169.100 +11.900 +7.57% 174.000 155.000 08/14/13
ESCORTS.NS Escorts Ltd +3.16 88.800 +14.800 +20.00% 88.800 78.550 08/14/13
ABCIL.NS Aditya Birla Chemica +3.10 90.400 +15.050 +19.97% 90.400 77.350 08/14/13
ELECON.NS Elecon Engineering +3.00 27.300 +4.100 +17.67% 27.800 24.700 08/14/13
GUJAPOLL.NS Gujarat Apollo Indus +2.89 103.850 +5.900 +6.02% 104.850 99.850 08/14/13
ENGINERS.NS Engineers India Ltd +2.84 137.650 +9.850 +7.71% 147.000 127.100 08/14/13
KRBL.NS Krbl Ltd +2.84 23.450 +1.250 +5.63% 23.900 22.200 08/14/13
ALOKTEXT.NS Alok Industries Ltd +2.82 6.300 +0.350 +5.88% 6.500 6.050 08/14/13
MBSWITCH.NS M And B Switchgears +2.73 16.350 +2.300 +16.37% 16.850 13.600 08/14/13
WHIRLPOO.NS Whirlpool Of India +2.72 169.500 +10.250 +6.44% 174.800 163.950 08/14/13
PHILIPCA.NS Phillips Carbon Blac +2.67 37.800 +5.150 +15.77% 38.950 32.700 08/14/13
TATACOMM.NS Tata Communications +2.67 164.650 +11.150 +7.26% 168.850 153.750 08/14/13
SAREGAMA.NS Saregama India Ltd +2.66 60.900 +4.450 +7.88% 62.000 57.600 08/14/13
TATAMTRD.NS Tata Motors Dvr 'A +2.64 148.400 +11.650 +8.52% 151.300 138.300 08/14/13
RCF.NS Rashtriya Chemicals +2.59 31.150 +2.050 +7.04% 31.900 29.000 08/14/13
SELMCL.NS Sel Manufacturing +2.48 3.350 +0.200 +6.35% 3.450 3.100 08/14/13
ROLTA.NS Rolta India Ltd +2.45 57.900 +1.800 +3.21% 58.750 55.750 08/14/13
EIDPARRY.NS Eid Parry India Ltd +2.28 121.400 +8.350 +7.39% 125.800 113.100 08/14/13
ZEELEARN.NS Zee Learn Limited +2.28 21.200 +1.500 +7.61% 21.500 20.000 08/14/13
HIMATSEI.NS Himatsingka Seide +2.24 32.900 +2.150 +6.99% 34.400 30.900 08/14/13
NEOCORP.NS Neo Corp Internation +2.18 20.000 +1.250 +6.67% 20.000 19.250 08/14/13
ELGIEQUI.NS Elgi Equipments Ltd +2.17 81.400 +3.350 +4.29% 85.000 78.250 08/14/13
TATACHEM.NS Tata Chemicals Ltd +2.16 256.900 +10.200 +4.13% 258.900 247.500 08/14/13
CAIRN.NS Cairn India Limited +2.15 309.650 +11.450 +3.84% 312.200 299.950 08/14/13
OMAXE.NS Omaxe Limited +2.13 140.500 +1.400 +1.01% 140.800 139.000 08/14/13
BLISSGVS.NS Bliss Gvs Pharma Ltd +2.13 34.000 +1.300 +3.98% 34.300 33.000 08/14/13
HINDMOTO.NS Hindustan Motors Lim +2.12 6.600 +0.200 +3.12% 6.700 6.350 08/14/13
GSPL.NS Gujarat State Petron +2.11 57.700 +3.100 +5.68% 58.000 54.600 08/14/13
IOC.NS Indian Oil Corporati +2.10 214.850 +14.050 +7.00% 217.500 200.850 08/14/13
KIRIINDU.NS Kiri Industries Limi +2.09 6.650 +0.600 +9.92% 6.650 6.250 08/14/13
JISLJALE.NS Jain Irrigation Syst +2.06 54.300 +3.500 +6.89% 54.950 51.250 08/14/13
ROHITFER.NS Rohit Ferro-Tech +2.06 10.950 +0.750 +7.35% 11.200 10.250 08/14/13
HINDALCO.NS Hindalco Industries +2.06 98.200 +6.800 +7.44% 98.800 91.550 08/14/13
DHANBANK.NS The Dhanalakshmi Ban +2.05 29.200 +2.000 +7.35% 29.400 27.300 08/14/13
LANCOIN.NS Lanco Ind. Ltd +2.04 16.500 +1.000 +6.45% 16.650 15.000 08/14/13
NFL.NS National Fertilizers +2.02 21.100 +1.900 +9.90% 21.100 19.100 08/14/13
SUNDARAM.NS Sundaram Multi Pap +1.99 20.400 +0.700 +3.55% 20.600 19.500 08/14/13
INDIACEM.NS India Cements Ltd +1.98 48.400 +2.850 +6.26% 48.800 45.100 08/14/13
PIPAVAVD.NS Pipavav Defence And +1.98 65.850 +1.000 +1.54% 66.500 65.200 08/14/13
GAIL.NS Gas Authority +1.97 319.200 +10.600 +3.43% 321.000 307.350 08/14/13
ENIL.NS Entertainment Networ +1.96 250.350 +12.600 +5.30% 251.900 239.000 08/14/13
JENSONIC.NS Jenson & Nicholson +1.95 2.650 +0.350 +15.22% 2.700 2.200 08/14/13
SHRIRAMC.NS Shriram City Union +1.93 911.250 +29.000 +3.29% 914.950 880.250 08/14/13
LIBERTSH.NS Liberty Shoes Ltd +1.90 78.900 +3.900 +5.20% 80.450 75.050 08/14/13
AMARAJAB.NS Amara Raja Batteries +1.87 275.850 +18.850 +7.33% 284.000 257.100 08/14/13
CCL.NS Ccl Products Ltd +1.85 299.900 +19.100 +6.80% 301.550 281.200 08/14/13
GALLANTT.NS Gallantt Metal Limit +1.84 18.450 +0.750 +4.24% 18.700 17.500 08/14/13
BAJAJHLD.NS Bajaj Holdings & Inv +1.82 853.350 +36.450 +4.46% 867.450 803.200 08/14/13
GRUH.NS Gruh Finance Ltd +1.82 215.500 +6.650 +3.18% 217.450 209.000 08/14/13
DISHTV.NS Dish Tv India Limite +1.82 48.450 +2.050 +4.42% 49.300 46.250 08/14/13
SHRENUJ.NS Shrenuj & Co Ltd +1.82 108.300 +4.300 +4.13% 110.900 105.050 08/14/13
ONGC.NS Oil & Natural Gas +1.82 288.850 +13.900 +5.06% 291.900 274.050 08/14/13
VIPIND.NS Vip Industries Ltd +1.81 46.050 +2.950 +6.84% 47.600 43.000 08/14/13
JISLDVRE.NS Jain Irrigation Syst +1.79 26.750 +1.450 +5.73% 27.250 24.300 08/14/13
MOREPENL.NS Morepen Laboratories +1.77 2.300 +0.100 +4.55% 2.300 2.150 08/14/13
NMDC.NS Nmdc Limited +1.76 114.750 +5.800 +5.32% 115.500 108.750 08/14/13
SELAN.NS Selan Exploration +1.73 258.650 +7.350 +2.92% 264.800 248.500 08/14/13
PTC.NS Ptc India Ltd +1.72 45.800 +2.300 +5.29% 46.400 43.850 08/14/13
GPPL.NS Gujarat Pipavav Port +1.71 46.850 +1.650 +3.65% 47.500 45.000 08/14/13
MEGASOFT.NS Megasoft Limited +1.68 6.500 +0.350 +5.69% 6.800 6.200 08/14/13
APOLLOHO.NS Apollo Hospitals Ent +1.66 968.700 +29.450 +3.14% 973.850 927.000 08/14/13
LOTUSEYE.NS Lotus Eye Care Hospi +1.65 5.550 +0.350 +6.73% 5.600 5.100 08/14/13
GOKUL.NS Gokul Refoils And +1.64 14.950 +0.800 +5.65% 15.300 14.050 08/14/13
BPCL.NS Bharat Petroleum Cor +1.62 304.500 +18.450 +6.45% 305.800 290.000 08/14/13
DREDGECO.NS Dredging Corporation +1.62 308.300 +28.000 +9.99% 308.300 281.500 08/14/13
PETRONET.NS Petronet Lng Ltd +1.62 127.850 +4.250 +3.44% 129.550 124.400 08/14/13
PRAKASH.NS Prakash Industries +1.59 30.650 +1.200 +4.07% 32.000 29.550 08/14/13
EDUCOMP.NS Educomp Solutions +1.59 20.100 +0.950 +4.96% 20.100 19.050 08/14/13
DBREALTY.NS D B Realty Limited +1.59 59.050 +2.800 +4.98% 59.050 56.250 08/14/13
MCDHOLDI.NS Mcdowell Holdings +1.57 23.450 +2.100 +9.84% 23.450 23.000 08/14/13
JPPOWER.NS Jaiprakash Power Ven +1.57 12.250 +1.600 +15.02% 12.450 10.800 08/14/13
PERSISTE.NS Persistent Systems +1.56 546.800 +16.750 +3.16% 549.900 537.950 08/14/13
SREINFRA.NS Srei Infrastructure +1.56 21.550 +0.850 +4.11% 22.050 20.350 08/14/13
PFS.NS Ptc India Fin Serv +1.53 11.150 +0.400 +3.72% 11.250 10.750 08/14/13
EDSERV.NS Edserv Softsystems +1.53 3.200 +0.150 +4.92% 3.200 3.200 08/14/13
ONMOBILE.NS Onmobile Global Limi +1.52 25.600 +2.300 +9.87% 25.600 23.300 08/14/13
KFA.NS Kingfisher Airlines +1.51 4.000 +0.150 +3.90% 4.000 3.750 08/14/13
KCPSUGIN.NS Kcp Sugar And Indust +1.50 18.500 +0.700 +3.93% 18.600 17.850 08/14/13
TAKSHEEL.NS Taksheel Solutions +1.49 4.300 +0.200 +4.88% 4.300 4.050 08/14/13
MOTHERSU.NS Motherson Sumi Syste +1.49 235.550 +7.350 +3.22% 241.600 230.000 08/14/13
SWANENER.NS Swan Energy Limited +1.45 106.500 +1.800 +1.72% 107.500 103.600 08/14/13
TEXMOPIP.NS Texmo Pipes And Prod +1.45 3.950 +0.150 +3.95% 3.950 3.900 08/14/13
LOVABLE.NS Lovable Lingerie Ltd +1.45 274.350 +12.200 +4.65% 286.300 260.550 08/14/13
GOENKA.NS Goenka Diamond And +1.43 17.750 +0.800 +4.72% 18.000 16.750 08/14/13
GITANJAL.NS Gitanjali GEMS Limit +1.43 67.850 +3.200 +4.95% 67.850 67.850 08/14/13
SPECIALI.NS Speciality Restauran +1.43 126.950 +5.300 +4.36% 128.500 120.550 08/14/13
BAJAJFIN.NS Bajaj Finserv Limite +1.42 603.400 +17.600 +3.00% 610.000 580.250 08/14/13
KOHINOOR.NS Kohinoor Foods Ltd +1.42 31.650 +1.500 +4.98% 31.650 30.000 08/14/13
TUBEINVE.NS Tube Investments Of +1.42 140.800 +5.450 +4.03% 146.700 134.050 08/14/13
ZEEL.NS Zee Telefilms +1.40 258.850 +10.250 +4.12% 262.900 244.500 08/14/13
PSB.NS Punjab & Sind Bank +1.40 45.150 +1.100 +2.50% 45.550 43.650 08/14/13
ADSL.NS Allied Digital Servi +1.37 13.850 +0.650 +4.92% 13.850 13.800 08/14/13
COXKINGS.NS Cox And Kings [India +1.37 108.650 +5.150 +4.98% 115.750 102.000 08/14/13
BINANIIN.NS Binani Industries +1.36 59.050 +1.550 +2.70% 60.700 57.000 08/14/13
THERMAX.NS Thermax Ltd +1.36 592.900 +12.450 +2.14% 649.000 580.000 08/14/13
Symbol - Company Name - Std Dev - Last - Change - Percent - High - Low - Time
CHROMATI.NS Chromatic India Limi +29.09 4.500 +0.200 +4.65% 4.500 4.500 08/14/13
SUDAR.NS Sudar Garments Ltd +16.99 7.050 +0.250 +3.68% 7.100 6.850 08/14/13
ASTRAZEN.NS Astrazeneca Pharma +3.93 878.450 +143.000 +19.44% 882.500 752.000 08/14/13
JAYSREET.NS Jayshree Tea & Indus +3.41 85.600 +6.950 +8.84% 87.000 78.500 08/14/13
TATAMOTO.NS Tata Motors Ltd +3.32 319.100 +28.250 +9.71% 324.400 298.200 08/14/13
DEN.NS Den Networks Limited +3.26 169.100 +11.900 +7.57% 174.000 155.000 08/14/13
ESCORTS.NS Escorts Ltd +3.16 88.800 +14.800 +20.00% 88.800 78.550 08/14/13
ABCIL.NS Aditya Birla Chemica +3.10 90.400 +15.050 +19.97% 90.400 77.350 08/14/13
ELECON.NS Elecon Engineering +3.00 27.300 +4.100 +17.67% 27.800 24.700 08/14/13
GUJAPOLL.NS Gujarat Apollo Indus +2.89 103.850 +5.900 +6.02% 104.850 99.850 08/14/13
ENGINERS.NS Engineers India Ltd +2.84 137.650 +9.850 +7.71% 147.000 127.100 08/14/13
KRBL.NS Krbl Ltd +2.84 23.450 +1.250 +5.63% 23.900 22.200 08/14/13
ALOKTEXT.NS Alok Industries Ltd +2.82 6.300 +0.350 +5.88% 6.500 6.050 08/14/13
MBSWITCH.NS M And B Switchgears +2.73 16.350 +2.300 +16.37% 16.850 13.600 08/14/13
WHIRLPOO.NS Whirlpool Of India +2.72 169.500 +10.250 +6.44% 174.800 163.950 08/14/13
PHILIPCA.NS Phillips Carbon Blac +2.67 37.800 +5.150 +15.77% 38.950 32.700 08/14/13
TATACOMM.NS Tata Communications +2.67 164.650 +11.150 +7.26% 168.850 153.750 08/14/13
SAREGAMA.NS Saregama India Ltd +2.66 60.900 +4.450 +7.88% 62.000 57.600 08/14/13
TATAMTRD.NS Tata Motors Dvr 'A +2.64 148.400 +11.650 +8.52% 151.300 138.300 08/14/13
RCF.NS Rashtriya Chemicals +2.59 31.150 +2.050 +7.04% 31.900 29.000 08/14/13
SELMCL.NS Sel Manufacturing +2.48 3.350 +0.200 +6.35% 3.450 3.100 08/14/13
ROLTA.NS Rolta India Ltd +2.45 57.900 +1.800 +3.21% 58.750 55.750 08/14/13
EIDPARRY.NS Eid Parry India Ltd +2.28 121.400 +8.350 +7.39% 125.800 113.100 08/14/13
ZEELEARN.NS Zee Learn Limited +2.28 21.200 +1.500 +7.61% 21.500 20.000 08/14/13
HIMATSEI.NS Himatsingka Seide +2.24 32.900 +2.150 +6.99% 34.400 30.900 08/14/13
NEOCORP.NS Neo Corp Internation +2.18 20.000 +1.250 +6.67% 20.000 19.250 08/14/13
ELGIEQUI.NS Elgi Equipments Ltd +2.17 81.400 +3.350 +4.29% 85.000 78.250 08/14/13
TATACHEM.NS Tata Chemicals Ltd +2.16 256.900 +10.200 +4.13% 258.900 247.500 08/14/13
CAIRN.NS Cairn India Limited +2.15 309.650 +11.450 +3.84% 312.200 299.950 08/14/13
OMAXE.NS Omaxe Limited +2.13 140.500 +1.400 +1.01% 140.800 139.000 08/14/13
BLISSGVS.NS Bliss Gvs Pharma Ltd +2.13 34.000 +1.300 +3.98% 34.300 33.000 08/14/13
HINDMOTO.NS Hindustan Motors Lim +2.12 6.600 +0.200 +3.12% 6.700 6.350 08/14/13
GSPL.NS Gujarat State Petron +2.11 57.700 +3.100 +5.68% 58.000 54.600 08/14/13
IOC.NS Indian Oil Corporati +2.10 214.850 +14.050 +7.00% 217.500 200.850 08/14/13
KIRIINDU.NS Kiri Industries Limi +2.09 6.650 +0.600 +9.92% 6.650 6.250 08/14/13
JISLJALE.NS Jain Irrigation Syst +2.06 54.300 +3.500 +6.89% 54.950 51.250 08/14/13
ROHITFER.NS Rohit Ferro-Tech +2.06 10.950 +0.750 +7.35% 11.200 10.250 08/14/13
HINDALCO.NS Hindalco Industries +2.06 98.200 +6.800 +7.44% 98.800 91.550 08/14/13
DHANBANK.NS The Dhanalakshmi Ban +2.05 29.200 +2.000 +7.35% 29.400 27.300 08/14/13
LANCOIN.NS Lanco Ind. Ltd +2.04 16.500 +1.000 +6.45% 16.650 15.000 08/14/13
NFL.NS National Fertilizers +2.02 21.100 +1.900 +9.90% 21.100 19.100 08/14/13
SUNDARAM.NS Sundaram Multi Pap +1.99 20.400 +0.700 +3.55% 20.600 19.500 08/14/13
INDIACEM.NS India Cements Ltd +1.98 48.400 +2.850 +6.26% 48.800 45.100 08/14/13
PIPAVAVD.NS Pipavav Defence And +1.98 65.850 +1.000 +1.54% 66.500 65.200 08/14/13
GAIL.NS Gas Authority +1.97 319.200 +10.600 +3.43% 321.000 307.350 08/14/13
ENIL.NS Entertainment Networ +1.96 250.350 +12.600 +5.30% 251.900 239.000 08/14/13
JENSONIC.NS Jenson & Nicholson +1.95 2.650 +0.350 +15.22% 2.700 2.200 08/14/13
SHRIRAMC.NS Shriram City Union +1.93 911.250 +29.000 +3.29% 914.950 880.250 08/14/13
LIBERTSH.NS Liberty Shoes Ltd +1.90 78.900 +3.900 +5.20% 80.450 75.050 08/14/13
AMARAJAB.NS Amara Raja Batteries +1.87 275.850 +18.850 +7.33% 284.000 257.100 08/14/13
CCL.NS Ccl Products Ltd +1.85 299.900 +19.100 +6.80% 301.550 281.200 08/14/13
GALLANTT.NS Gallantt Metal Limit +1.84 18.450 +0.750 +4.24% 18.700 17.500 08/14/13
BAJAJHLD.NS Bajaj Holdings & Inv +1.82 853.350 +36.450 +4.46% 867.450 803.200 08/14/13
GRUH.NS Gruh Finance Ltd +1.82 215.500 +6.650 +3.18% 217.450 209.000 08/14/13
DISHTV.NS Dish Tv India Limite +1.82 48.450 +2.050 +4.42% 49.300 46.250 08/14/13
SHRENUJ.NS Shrenuj & Co Ltd +1.82 108.300 +4.300 +4.13% 110.900 105.050 08/14/13
ONGC.NS Oil & Natural Gas +1.82 288.850 +13.900 +5.06% 291.900 274.050 08/14/13
VIPIND.NS Vip Industries Ltd +1.81 46.050 +2.950 +6.84% 47.600 43.000 08/14/13
JISLDVRE.NS Jain Irrigation Syst +1.79 26.750 +1.450 +5.73% 27.250 24.300 08/14/13
MOREPENL.NS Morepen Laboratories +1.77 2.300 +0.100 +4.55% 2.300 2.150 08/14/13
NMDC.NS Nmdc Limited +1.76 114.750 +5.800 +5.32% 115.500 108.750 08/14/13
SELAN.NS Selan Exploration +1.73 258.650 +7.350 +2.92% 264.800 248.500 08/14/13
PTC.NS Ptc India Ltd +1.72 45.800 +2.300 +5.29% 46.400 43.850 08/14/13
GPPL.NS Gujarat Pipavav Port +1.71 46.850 +1.650 +3.65% 47.500 45.000 08/14/13
MEGASOFT.NS Megasoft Limited +1.68 6.500 +0.350 +5.69% 6.800 6.200 08/14/13
APOLLOHO.NS Apollo Hospitals Ent +1.66 968.700 +29.450 +3.14% 973.850 927.000 08/14/13
LOTUSEYE.NS Lotus Eye Care Hospi +1.65 5.550 +0.350 +6.73% 5.600 5.100 08/14/13
GOKUL.NS Gokul Refoils And +1.64 14.950 +0.800 +5.65% 15.300 14.050 08/14/13
BPCL.NS Bharat Petroleum Cor +1.62 304.500 +18.450 +6.45% 305.800 290.000 08/14/13
DREDGECO.NS Dredging Corporation +1.62 308.300 +28.000 +9.99% 308.300 281.500 08/14/13
PETRONET.NS Petronet Lng Ltd +1.62 127.850 +4.250 +3.44% 129.550 124.400 08/14/13
PRAKASH.NS Prakash Industries +1.59 30.650 +1.200 +4.07% 32.000 29.550 08/14/13
EDUCOMP.NS Educomp Solutions +1.59 20.100 +0.950 +4.96% 20.100 19.050 08/14/13
DBREALTY.NS D B Realty Limited +1.59 59.050 +2.800 +4.98% 59.050 56.250 08/14/13
MCDHOLDI.NS Mcdowell Holdings +1.57 23.450 +2.100 +9.84% 23.450 23.000 08/14/13
JPPOWER.NS Jaiprakash Power Ven +1.57 12.250 +1.600 +15.02% 12.450 10.800 08/14/13
PERSISTE.NS Persistent Systems +1.56 546.800 +16.750 +3.16% 549.900 537.950 08/14/13
SREINFRA.NS Srei Infrastructure +1.56 21.550 +0.850 +4.11% 22.050 20.350 08/14/13
PFS.NS Ptc India Fin Serv +1.53 11.150 +0.400 +3.72% 11.250 10.750 08/14/13
EDSERV.NS Edserv Softsystems +1.53 3.200 +0.150 +4.92% 3.200 3.200 08/14/13
ONMOBILE.NS Onmobile Global Limi +1.52 25.600 +2.300 +9.87% 25.600 23.300 08/14/13
KFA.NS Kingfisher Airlines +1.51 4.000 +0.150 +3.90% 4.000 3.750 08/14/13
KCPSUGIN.NS Kcp Sugar And Indust +1.50 18.500 +0.700 +3.93% 18.600 17.850 08/14/13
TAKSHEEL.NS Taksheel Solutions +1.49 4.300 +0.200 +4.88% 4.300 4.050 08/14/13
MOTHERSU.NS Motherson Sumi Syste +1.49 235.550 +7.350 +3.22% 241.600 230.000 08/14/13
SWANENER.NS Swan Energy Limited +1.45 106.500 +1.800 +1.72% 107.500 103.600 08/14/13
TEXMOPIP.NS Texmo Pipes And Prod +1.45 3.950 +0.150 +3.95% 3.950 3.900 08/14/13
LOVABLE.NS Lovable Lingerie Ltd +1.45 274.350 +12.200 +4.65% 286.300 260.550 08/14/13
GOENKA.NS Goenka Diamond And +1.43 17.750 +0.800 +4.72% 18.000 16.750 08/14/13
GITANJAL.NS Gitanjali GEMS Limit +1.43 67.850 +3.200 +4.95% 67.850 67.850 08/14/13
SPECIALI.NS Speciality Restauran +1.43 126.950 +5.300 +4.36% 128.500 120.550 08/14/13
BAJAJFIN.NS Bajaj Finserv Limite +1.42 603.400 +17.600 +3.00% 610.000 580.250 08/14/13
KOHINOOR.NS Kohinoor Foods Ltd +1.42 31.650 +1.500 +4.98% 31.650 30.000 08/14/13
TUBEINVE.NS Tube Investments Of +1.42 140.800 +5.450 +4.03% 146.700 134.050 08/14/13
ZEEL.NS Zee Telefilms +1.40 258.850 +10.250 +4.12% 262.900 244.500 08/14/13
PSB.NS Punjab & Sind Bank +1.40 45.150 +1.100 +2.50% 45.550 43.650 08/14/13
ADSL.NS Allied Digital Servi +1.37 13.850 +0.650 +4.92% 13.850 13.800 08/14/13
COXKINGS.NS Cox And Kings [India +1.37 108.650 +5.150 +4.98% 115.750 102.000 08/14/13
BINANIIN.NS Binani Industries +1.36 59.050 +1.550 +2.70% 60.700 57.000 08/14/13
THERMAX.NS Thermax Ltd +1.36 592.900 +12.450 +2.14% 649.000 580.000 08/14/13

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