iHub should join Fox and friends under one multi-media complex corporation to censor any statements by free-thinking peoples which does not help their agenda. RFMK is owned long term by smart savvy die-hard tough dedicated shareholders who cannot be bullied or wrangled by those who seem nice by warning you about the rigors and shady goings on in the pink market but all the while are shorting your every move in the tickers they know you trade in, attempting to manipulate you out of every dollar you put toward investing. We know better NOW, the iScam party is over. It all ends NOW. Dont ya know?? Better hit the books and get creative and start a real business elsewhere to actually earn a buck, rather than scamming hard working people out of their money by raping and pillaging the pink market using market manipulation tactics and censorship on the internet. Its easy to gloat and crack jokes about real individual investors playing a fair game of investing in companies they think could perform well yet are losing to all the criminals cheating using abusive tactics all the while the regulators do not enforce the law. I suspect it will all end 'soon', in the end. I am sure it comes as a surprise to those who only know the dark side that there are some investors out there for which illuminating the dark fields is more important than turning a profit on every single trade.
Do or do not, there is no try.