Playtowinthegame, my personal opinion response to your inquiry is three fold. First, Steve posted a financial statement that painted a true picture. With all the focus on making sure companies do not paint false positive pictures, and since he knows the game, he shared the truth. Everone could not handle it. But then, he has always said this is not for the faint hearted...go buy a mine. Some folks read that the company may have issues as a going concern and they ran. Some read about the debt issues and ran. Either way, no one can say they were not warned...or tested for their faith. IMO
Second, some of the end of day pops are probably folks waiting for others to run and they buy. This stock was -0008 a year ago and investors ran it to .05+ with the current money issues. Now, on the brink of large deals, why would one run? IMO it's a fake run. Sell old shares they bought cheap.and they buy cheap shares sold now. Yep, there are traders IMO playing this one big time.
Your Clear Channel question. With the IHeart Festival next month, we don't know what we don't know. CC needs a home run fast. IMO, why not hold the ICPA PR and include it in the other major message that may be coming? I also wonder what this has to do with the ICPA Home Page posted on FaceBook. The article may be about NBA Howard, but the guy looks to be on a tablet, with a Verizon ad at the bottom. Just sayin'.
I've watched the past couple days, smiled, and kept on moving. Nothing traded, nothing sold. This stock will test everyone's commitment; however, true honey badgers will see a cobra in the tree and say "There goes lunch."
Honey Badger #99 - Out.
Personal opinions from a shareholder who may be day dreaming. Do your homework and get professional advice.