Thing that boggles my mind about these coal and oil companies, is WHY FIGHT IT. The science is in, over, and LONG DONE on Climate Change....99% of the scientifici community, and hundreds of countries understand this, but the Big Dirty Energy keeps the game of spin going on here at home, just like PhillipMorris did with Scientific panels of rogue scientsts being paid to say smoking didnt cause cancer. Well, Mother Nature is smoking one big ass continuous cigarette peeps, and it takes thousands of years to disappate. And her defense mechanisms, trees, we are cutting down, and are burning down all over the place.
Why dont these companies invest BILLIONS in solar and wind, and take control of THAT industry for the next 100 years like they did with oil? Just makes no sense. They are going to run themselves right out of a market. I just hope they do it sooner than later, as our oceans are getting more screwed up than our land is because of the increase in temperature. Its like a bad dream coming true, as we have our worst drought in 60years, hottest year on record, hottest decade on record, last decade being the hottest beforehand, and so on.
Why is it so hard to admit? There are 7billion of us and we create a TON of emmissions, just one of us! its like thousands of gallons of water, or millions, just to make a pair of jeans. How much coal and stuff do we burn for all our power!?
How the hell did I end up there? Sorry. Im out of here.